Welcome Royals!
Registration Is Now Closed.

Greetings Class of 1967 - San Marcos High School

Thank you for registering for the 55th Reunion.  This note is probably the final communication with you before we get together on the weekend of September 9, 10, and 11, 2022.
Not all of our classmates are on email.  If you know other classmates that are attending, please let them know about this note.  This information will also be posted on our Facebook page and on our website.

Here are some details:
  • Make sure to first check in at the front table for each of the three main events that you registered for – Mulligan's, Goleta Beach, Brunch.  Volunteers will verify your registration for each event.
  • Name tags will be available at the check in table and should be worn at all times.
  • Attire – Casual informal dress at all events.  Sweaters, coats, or sweatshirts are suggested at Goleta Beach in case of cool weather.
  • Bring your senior yearbook.
  • Covid Guidelines – We will follow the guidelines for September that will be in place at that time by the Santa Barbara County Health Department.  We will also follow any guidelines set at the three venues.  As of date of this note, masks and face coverings are optional at all venues.  But that could change.
  • Volunteers are still needed at each event – contact the person listed under each event if you are able to volunteer.
  • General communication and questions:
  • Please upload any photos you take at the events to the ClassQuest website and/or to the Facebook page.
  • Website - Photo Album 2022:
  • We will be terminating the website that is hosted by ClassQuest.com this coming year and setting up our own website.  If you are interested in helping out with that project, send an email to smhsroyals1967@gmail.com.
  • Those of you interested in helping out with the 60th Reunion planning committee, there will be a sign-up list at each of the events.  The planning committee for the 60th Reunion will have the freedom to choose dates, venues, activities, etc. as long as the reunion takes place in the year 2027.   If you are interested in being on the planning committee, send an email to smhsroyals1967@gmail.com.
  • All events require pre-registration.  A limited number of "walk-ons" or those who have not pre-registered will be accepted, but they will be expected to pay the registration fee for the event.  Space may be limited and tickets will be sold on a "first come, first served" basis.
Details for each event are listed below – the three main events are highlighted in yellow – Mulligan's, Goleta Beach, Brunch.
55th REUNION – CLASS of 1967
Friday, September 9 – Golf – 10:30am – Santa Barbara Municipal Golf Course, 3500 McCaw Avenue – Deadline to sign up is August 30.  Fee is $68.00. Contact: Jeff Nelson  jeff@jeffnelsonlaw.com
Friday, September 9 – No-Host Cocktail Party – appetizers provided – Indoors and Outdoors – 4:00-8:00pm – Mulligan's Bar & Grill, Santa Barbara Municipal Golf Course, 3500 McCaw Avenue.  At the time of sending out this note, masks of face coverings are not required, but that could change.  Service dogs on leashes allowed.  Pet dogs on leashes are allowed on patio only, not indoors.
Friday, September 9 – Royals Football Game – 7:00pm – Warkentin Stadium (formerly Valley Stadium), campus of SMHS, 4750 Hollister Avenue.  Do you remember selling candy bars to raise funds to build the stadium??!!  Some free passes are available or you can purchase tickets online for $5.00 at https://gofan.co/app/school/CA23116.  Either way, if you plan on attending, email Ed Langlo at e.c.langlo@cox.net.  Additional football links:
Coach Stoney will be at Mulligan's.  The game ball from the first time that the Royals beat the Dons (1965) will be on display.  Many of the players on that team were from the Class of 1967 and played when they were juniors.  In 1966 (our senior year), the Royals beat the Dons for a second straight time.
Saturday, September 10 – Beach Walk – 8:00am – Arroyo Burro State Park (aka Hendry’s Beach) – 2981 Cliff Drive – Dogs allowed, but must be on a leash and owner must have proof of rabies vaccination – Contact: Lynn (Vokal) Long  longdes22@gmail.com
Saturday, September 10 – Peabody Reunion – 10:00am – Outdoors – Tucker's Grove, Site 7, 4800 Cathedral Oaks Road – Dogs allowed, but must be on a leash and owner must have proof of rabies vaccination.
Saturday, September 10 – Class Picnic – 4:00pm to dusk – Outdoors – Catering by El Zarape – Appetizers at 4:00pm – Dinner served from 4:45pm to 6:15pm – Plates, utensils, napkins, plastic wine glasses, beer and water provided – Bring your own wine and soda pop/soft drinks – Goleta Beach, Areas A and B, 5986 Sandspit Road – Dogs allowed, but must be on a leash and owner must have proof of rabies vaccination.  Masks and face coverings are optional at the time of this note.
Sunday, September 11 – Brunch – Outdoors in the patio – 10:00am-1:00pm – Crocodile Restaurant & Bar, Lemon Tree Inn, 2819 State Street (corner of State Street and Alamar Avenue) – Masks and face coverings optional at the time of this note – Service dogs allowed – No pet dogs.
As a committee, we did most of the planning via email and Zoom since not all of the members live in Santa Barbara.  And safe travels to those of you who are traveling from afar.  We look forward to seeing everyone.
Once a Royal, always a Royal!!
Planning Committee

 See the Attendees link to see which classmates are coming to the Reunion!!


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